Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Frugal Wednesday -- "shhh.... $2.99!!"

Have you seen the annoying Wendy's commercial on TV with the two guys and the meal is $2.99?  Well, my family thinks it is so bad, it is hillarious, so they poke fun at it whenever they can.  Hence, my frugal, vegetarian supper last night!  I try to come up with a "meatless" meal for supper at least once a week, and it just so happens that last night's dinner, the WHOLE thing, came to just under $2.99!!  lol 
Here it is:

Half a Baguette from Publix -- $.69
Steamed ravioli in the bag with a tomato basil sauce -- $1.00 (clearance priced)
Eat Smart broccoli salad on sale at Publix -- $1.00

So there you go!  Meatless and frugal and under "shhhhh......$2.99!!"


Southern Belle Mama said...

I am all for meatless meals (mostly b/c I despise cooking meat). I am a fan of broccoli salad!

Janet said...

There ya go! Frugal and so much healthier.